Tag Archives: Ultimate New York Body Plan

Learning My Lesson

16 Aug

The lack of posts the past few days on my progress with the Ultimate New York Body Plan is a good indicator of where I am with the program – I’m done (with the nutrition plan anyway – I LOVE the workouts!). However, I am not viewing this as a failure. If anything, I’m viewing this as a very important lesson learned.

Getting in shape and/or losing weight is a hard thing. I’ve done it before, but I’m not going to lie – it’s not easy. It takes commitment to altering the way you live, and that’s rarely a smooth process.

This is the one and only time in my life where I looked to an extreme dietary “quick fix.” In the past when my weight has gotten a little out of control, I’ve retreated to basic, healthy habits, including portion control, limits on “bad” foods, etc. I hit a wall this summer where I was just so frustrated and hated the way that I looked that I broke down – a quick fix just seemed “right.”

Not happy with how I look 😦 . Can you see my gut?

I quickly figured out that it wasn’t. Fatigue, headaches, nausea…not real fun. I realized that I wasn’t really being healthy, so I stopped. Jason was very happy with my decision 🙂 .

The initial problem still isn’t solved, though. How do I get my body to a place where I don’t hate it, but love it and appreciate it?

It just so happens that just before I intended on taking on the Ultimate New York Body Plan, I discovered the website SparkPeople. I found my way to the site thanks to an article by one of my favorite bloggers, Julie of Peanut Butter Fingers. Julie wrote a great post: From Eating for My Weight to Eating for My Health. It was an inspirational guest post for dailySpark, part of SparkPeople. I knew exactly where to turn when things started going downhill with my original plan.

So, lesson learned. I’m not going to kill myself trying to get into shape. I will strive to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle that is positive for me and my family. And hopefully along the way, I’ll learn to love my body again!

Ultimate New York Body Plan: Day 4

13 Aug

Find your true source of motivation. – David Kirsch

Today’s Meals

I’m going to be honest with you all – today was not a great day. I don’t think that I’m equipped to have only shakes for breakfast AND dinner – the lack of “food” food finally caught up with me today.

My morning started well with…

Lunch was rough…

Students are returning to campus soon, so the students who work with the campus’ Student Entertainment & Awareness League (SEAL) are back for training. All the professional staff in the office were invited to have lunch with the SEAL Team today, and I was very happy to go. Luckily, there was a turkey sandwich option, which I could easily dissect. I did have to call Jason after lunch to have him talk me down from the ledge that was a bag of chips and a chocolate chip cookie. I survived and opted to have another snack size serving of almonds instead 🙂 .

Unfortunately, I forgot to come to work prepared for the small lunch and by mid-afternoon, I was crashing.

Today also happened to be grocery shopping day, and I knew that I would need to be strong for the trip. We don’t buy groceries in Whitewater – we have only one grocery store and not only does their selection stink, but they are ridiculously expensive. Instead, we drive to nearby Delavan to shop at Super Walmart. Of course, there just happens to be a Chili’s right there where we do pre-grocery shopping dinner.

Can you sense where this is going?

Minus one or two wings already

I couldn’t take it anymore. I was weak, tired, and my head hurt. I broke down and we ordered the chips and salsa – which we absolutely love – and I went with what I really wanted: boneless buffalo wings.

My headache went away and I felt much better – not sure if that’s good or bad. One good thing, though: I didn’t eat them all like I usually do.

I don’t feel guilty about dinner. I listened to my body and went with what it “needed.” Do I wish I had chosen something healthier than chicken wings? Yes. Would I have felt even remotely satisfied with a piece of salmon and broccoli instead? No.

Back on the wagon tomorrow, but no more shakes for dinner 🙂 .

Today’s Workouts

Today was not the best workout day either. Jason and I were going to get up early to do a short training run, but I barely got any sleep and just couldn’t muster the motivation to get up. I let myself sleep in just a bit, then got up to tackle my first Legs/Butt Toning Routine.

Other Thoughts on the Day

Clearly, I didn’t follow the plan today. Feeling run-down was my challenge. I’m a little upset that I did look to food to make me feel better, but I did need it. Believe me, it could have been worse. Again, I passed up the cookie and chips at lunch, and I passed up more treats and cookies later in the day.

My legs/butt workout was tough, but I could definitely feel my muscles working. I was a little disappointed in myself for not doing my cardio workout, but Jason and I are planning to get out tomorrow evening for our short run – hopefully after it’s cooled down a little bit.

Going forward, I’m going to pull back a little. No more extreme – shakes for dinner was not a good idea. I learned my lesson, which is part of this process, too 🙂 .

4 Days Down, 10 To Go!

Ultimate New York Body Plan: Day 3

12 Aug

Make health and wellness your top priority. – David Kirsch

Today’s Meals

Started my morning with a protein shake – Surprise 😉 .

For lunch, DK’s Almond Crusted Chicken.

For dinner – another shake. Last day of shakes for dinner!!

Today’s Workout

Today, I did my second Cardio Sculpting Routine followed by 25 minutes on the stationary rower. I was once again concerned about my energy level going into the workout, but it was invigorating! I worked hard and was pooped after all was said and done.

Other Thoughts on the Day

I faced two challenges today: eating a chicken breast with NO condiments and feeling a little sick about an hour after my workout.

At lunch, I felt like I was choking each bite of chicken down without my trusty BBQ sauce. It was beyond hard, but I did eat slower and only ate until I was full.

As for feeling sick later in the evening, I realized that I didn’t have my dinner shake soon enough after my workout. I probably didn’t make it until 7:30p, and it took me awhile to drink since I was feeling kind of nauseous. Once I finished, however, I felt fine. It wasn’t so much just having a shake for dinner but the timing of that shake. Lesson learned.